Bottled Mineral Water Or Jug Of Tap Water Help?!
Answers: In my restaurant, customers sometimes ask for jug of tap water which i don't charge for, a small percentage of my customers tend to have that as their only drink or when there is a big party of 10 or more they ask for jugs of water as their second round instead of more drinks which makes me make less money i know i sound greedy but id like to ask if i was to stop serving tap water in glasses or jugs and swap it for mineral water in 330ml size for a glass and 750ml for a jug i would like to charge. Could anydbody give me a recomendation on how i could explain to the customer that we don;t serve tap water anymore. for example if a customer asks for a jug of water how should i explain we don;t serve it no more and it is only available to purchase in bottles. And a cheesy or decent reason why we stopped serving water from the tap rather than just saying to make more money. I would like your help thank you.
maybe you could say that there could be traces of lead in the tap water? People who know that would probably rather not want the tap water