Lemonade or Soda?!
Answers: Is lemonade healthier than soda?
Maybe a toss up. You have to sweetened lemonade a lot to take the edge off the tartness, but soda probably has the same amount of sugar.
But, on a personal level, I prefer lemonade..especially now that summer is coming!
Maybe,only because of the vitamin c in the lemonds.
Yes, lemons help burn calories (speeds up your metabolism). Where as soda, just helps to pack on the pounds.
Depands on the amount of suger in the lemonade and the type of soda.
ITs healthier in as far as it has less health risks than soda. Sodas carbonation helps accelerate tooth decay and there are also alot more preservatives.
yes, and tastes better if its home made. i love lemonade.
Absolutely, hands down.