Why is tap water better than bottled water?????!
Answers: give a good reason please of why it is so ^_^
Tap water is regulated by both the FDA AND the EPA.
Bottled water is monitored by ONLY the FDA.
When they tested 30 popular brands of bottled water, more then half of them had higher levels of bacteria and contaminents than is allowed in Tap Water.
The just filter it...
Bottle it...
And sell it to you for prices HIGHER THEN GASSOLINE!
We pay for it through taxes and fee's!
These companies take a product that WE HAVE ALREADY PAID FOR then SELL IT BACK TO US!
Watch this... You will NOT be sorry:
Part 1:
Part 2:
they add in a few drops of fresh goats milk for flavor
Tap water is horrible. Full of chemicals and Fluoride, which is actually a toxic chemical. It causes all sorts of problems and should be avoided. Tap water is full of all kinds of garbage including viruses that cannot be removed.
Haven't you seen the recent news reports that tap water is contaminated with pharmaceuticals? Bad for young men and women to be drinking birth control pills! And all that chlorine!
We prefir spring water or Perrier
tap water has fluorine in it and bottled water does not. the fluorine in the tap water is good for your teeth
Water that comes from the bottle has been through quite a bit of filtiration, therefore making it better, really, theres not that much of a difference.
Its best to get a Brita filter to eliminate the use of plastic. : )
there are pro's and con's of both:
pro's: colder con's: dirty because from underground, full of chlorine
pro's: less chlorine, usually from water sourses other than underground
con's: somtimes has cemicles that come from the plastic bttle that seep into the water
At the end, bottled water is probably better for you than tap is.
i thought bottled water waz better? idk