What is a frappacino?!
Answers: How is a frappacino different than a latte', iced coffee, or cappucino?
a frappacino is is a blend of ice and a mix constituted of coffee, water, milk, and various syrups. The result is a beverage that is a little icy like a slush, but with a consistency that is similar to a thin milkshake.
a latte is a type of coffee with hot milk
iced coffee is coffee with ice
cappucino is hot
a cappuciono
frappacino= frozen cappacino...with more suger and no foam, haha
it has no coffee in it
iced cappuccino.
a word in italian
a frap is a cold coffee, served in a little cup, like this :
yum yum yum, put cookies in it and wait for them to get chunky, shake it up and enjoy :3
i pretty much is like an iced coffee.... AND IT"S AMAZING!
A Frappucino is like a coffee slushi.
A frappacino is an iced coffee drink usually made with a mix in a blender. A cappucino is made with espresso and steamed milk and has foam on top. A latte is essentially the same but without foam. Iced coffee is just coffee over ice-not mixed in a blender.
A frappacino is a cold cappacino.
It's a fancy coffee.
Its a copyrighted name for Starbuck's iced drinks.
Its made with milk, syrup(coffee, mocha, vanilla),water,
and topped with whipped cream.
Starbucks do a range of iced drinks called Frapaccino's - which are a blend of crushed ice and cream - some have coffee in them, some dont!! Try the Banana Java (banana & Choc - with or without coffee) or Caramel Cream!!!!
its like a coffee slushie with whipped cream
you can get it coffee based (80% coffee) or cream based (80% _______ flavor cream)
i prefer Starbucks coffee
i usally order a Coffee based Vanilla Frap.
a mocheotao is hot and a frappacino is usually cold.. caramel frapacinos are the besttt.. its like a slushy but with coffee with whipped cream all over it and caramel mixed into it.. its the best coffee.. especially from starbucks..
they are all the same, they just put fancier names on certain ones to justify charging twice as much
slice of heaven
frozen cappicino lots more wsugar sometimes with whipped cream