Why do drinks such as ribena burn your throat a bit?!
Answers: is it b/c theyre quite acidy?
Simple Answer: The carbonation. The oxidation between the carbonated agent and aluminum (can) causes the "bite" that you feel going down. By the way, aluminum has been found to increase your chances of getting Alzheimer at an early age. Buy it in "glass" rather than aluminum cans.
There have been various incarnations of carbonated Sparkling Ribena, sold in cans - throughout the 1980s and early 1990s there was a can-based version simply named 'Ribena', in about 1993 'Ribena Spring' was launched, a gently carbonated version in ready to drink bottle form, which was discontinued and replaced with 'Ribena Sparx', another can-based carbonated edition, in the late 1990s, a product which is still being produced today. The mid-1990s vampire TV show Forever Knight used undiluted Ribena as prop blood, as it seemed to be of similar consistency.
Must be because of the acid or citrus, or maybe the fermentation.