Sometimes drinking green tea or oolong tea makes me vomit?!
Sometimes but not often, I get sudden get urges to vomit about thirty minutes to an hour after. When I don't vomit, I feel so nasty and often have headaches. When I do, It makes me feel much better.
Is this a coincidence? If not, why does my body reject it?
Answers: I know I'm not allergic to tea because I normally drink tea about three times a day, on a day to day basis.
Sometimes but not often, I get sudden get urges to vomit about thirty minutes to an hour after. When I don't vomit, I feel so nasty and often have headaches. When I do, It makes me feel much better.
Is this a coincidence? If not, why does my body reject it?
Listen to what your body is telling you and stay away from those two kinds of tea.
There are so many others to choose from.
I hope you are feeling better.
Thank you very much!
I really appreciate that.
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