Are the soft drinks really bad for health???Should i put down the habbit of drinking them??!

Question: Yes. It dehydrates you.

Answers: Yes. It dehydrates you.

Well, soft drinks, often times have nearly or even more sugar than you should be consuming daily.

The negative things about soft drinks relate to sugar and caffeine, neither of which is good for you. When artificial sweeteners are used, other effects can hurt you with some periodically showing up as carcinogenic. Even the carbonation is irritating to some people and might have other effects not completely studied. Nevertheless, soda water or seltzer is better than coke et al.

Soda has lots of sugar and usually caffeine (depending on what kind you drink). When you drink soda instead of water you can dehydrate your body and the carbonation in soda can eat away at the enamel on your teeth if you don't brush after drinking. Water is the best thing for your body, but I don't think an occasional soda will do much harm.

Ah yes, soft drinks are so not good.
They’re not a healthy choice, contrary to what advertisers would prefer you to believe.

According to researchers and doctors, among the many less-than-positive attributes of soft drinks, are the concerns regarding artificial sweeteners. Not sure, but the jury may still be out on the toxicity issue as far as carcinogens are involved, but - at best, the artificial sweeteners are known neuro-excitogens. They “excite” or over-activate parts of the brain that ideally should not be excited. It’s easy to imagine if parts of the brain were chemically rattled on a regular basis when they weren’t supposed to be, they would sooner or later gradually give up the struggle. Cell death would occur if they were not allowed to function normally over a period of time.

The regular (non-diet) sodas are sweetened primarily with high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS). Corn syrup and sugar are known to have an almost immediate effect on lowering one’s immunity. (And immunity is one of THE key things we have going for us, in survival terms. We need it to be as high as possible.) Sugar, and its various forms, also rots the teeth, as most soda drinkers do not immediately brush their teeth after consumption. Sugar also is known to cause inflammation in the joints and other tissues. Arthritis and other conditions are aggravated by sugar consumption. And if that’s not bad enough, there’s the weight gain that seems to come along with consuming sugar and HFCS.

Then there’s also the fact that the caffeine contained in sodas (the [dark]colas mostly, and Mt. Dew) is dehydrating. It acts as a diuretic and drawns water from the cells, where it should be left intact. Hydration is super important. Even a slight, chronic state of dehydration acts as a bodily stressor, and throws off many processes involving enzymes and other catalysts.

And then there’s the fact that many people compare sodas to battery acid. They say the end effect is about the same as drinking battery acid, in terms of the inflammation it causes and the demineralization of our skeleton.
As I understand it, the chemicals in sodas tend to leach out minerals from our bones, so anyone who is a regular user needs to keep osteoporosis in mind. It’s not “just a female disease.” Men are becoming more prone to suffer this disease with the increase in consumption of sodas that has occurred in the last 10-20 years.

* As a footnote, Coca-Cola uses the natural no-calorie/zero-glycemic sweetener, Stevia, in their products manufactured in Japan. (Stevia comes under the category of "rainforest herbs.")

The Japanese are quite health-conscious, compared to Americans. We almost willingly settle for bad health in the US.
In the name of "protecting us" (er, make that the artificial sweetner and sugar industry), the FDA has disallowed the use of Stevia as a food additive, but it can LEGALLY be purchased at health food stores or online herb shops as a "supplement."

there is alot of sugar in soft drinks. Also coke can rott your teeth and damage youre bones.

If you drink other drinks like red bull they have other things in them that cause damage to youre body. A man in australia was placed in hospital after ODing on red bull

sasparillo very bad and any other dark drinks

Yes I think you should stop drinking them.

I'll put it this way. I'm a diabetic so I have to watch my sugar levels, and if I were to have 2 cups of soft drink, that would be my dinner. That's the amount of sugar in soft drink.

Diet sodas are terrible for you and can cause many health issues. The ones with sugar are just empty calories. Everything in moderation. Have a sody every now and again, just don't drink them all the time and you'll be fine.

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