Is it better for the body to drink water near room temperature than to drink it icy cold?!
Icy cold water make the blood vessals in your stomach to contract and affect the digestive system.
I heard from a friend that the icy cold water also downgrade your body's immune system because your immune system works better in normal temperature.
Answers: Drink water near room temperature is better.
Icy cold water make the blood vessals in your stomach to contract and affect the digestive system.
I heard from a friend that the icy cold water also downgrade your body's immune system because your immune system works better in normal temperature.
Icy cold
Dunno, I do know that it burns more calories when you drink it cold becasue your body has to heat it up then.
i heard drinking ice cold water helps you burn calories because it makes your stomach work warming it up. temperature its healthier
Icy Cold, And its more refreshing, cools you down quicker and helps you burn caleries
i like it colder better but i think room temp is better for u. i guess cuz if u eat snow off the ground it can give u hypothermia.
it doenst matter eiether way, but in order to get water at room temperature you need 2 let it stay outside, and you never know what happens to your food when you leave it uncovered. and icy water tends to taste much better! drink it whatever way you want.
dont know if there are any benefits drinking it at room temp. But I do know that if you drink it cold you actually burn calories because your body has to disperse energy to regulate your body temp. Mind you the amount of calories burned is very very very small.
Better in what way? It makes no difference health-wise. The amount of energy used to by the body to warm it is so minimal, it's barely enough to register. It's all a matter of personal taste preference. Personally, water HAS to be icy cold for me to drink it.
I've heard that it is better to drink water at room temp. However, I'll chance ice cold cuz it tastes better.
If you are planning on exercising or cooling off from an exercise its better to drink room temp water because it absorbs into the body faster which makes it so that you wont overheat and have exhaustion or heat stroke.
wter near room tmprature is better otherwise there is chance of throt infection and cold
I've been told that in Aryuvedic medicine (i.e. traditional Indian medicine) it's considered best to drink water at room temperature. Also, they thought it was best to drink water that was taken from it's moving source (stream, river, etc.) within 24 hours - they thought sitting water went stale after a day.
your not supposed to drink icy water when you have a sore throat