What are the ingredents that make fresh Water?!
how is water and purified water made!?Www@FoodAQ@Com
Water is just water!. Water molecules have two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom in them!.
Water can be purified by filtering or by boiling and collecting the steam when it cools!. This last form is called 'distilled water'!. Oddly enough, to most people distilled water tastes flat, because it is the minerals, gases and other impurities in, say, spring water that makes it taste good!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
Water can be purified by filtering or by boiling and collecting the steam when it cools!. This last form is called 'distilled water'!. Oddly enough, to most people distilled water tastes flat, because it is the minerals, gases and other impurities in, say, spring water that makes it taste good!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
To actually "MAKE" fresh water you need, as mentioned by poster #2, 2 parts hydrogen and 1 part oxygen!.
Purified water is not made!. Purified water is either tap water, spring water, or well water that has been run through a high level filtration system!. NOTE: not all water filters purify water!. Only a very small percentage of home filters qualify as purification systems!.
Check out ratings and standards of water filters and purification systems at the Water Quality Association web site at WQA!.org!. They should even have some links to the National Sanitation Foundation (NSF) International site too!.
The only actual purification systems I know of is a distillery and e-Spring which was used on Extreme Makeover Home Edition!. It has a multi stage activated carbon block with a UV light!. Only a distillery will get water cleaner so that is why they used it!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
Purified water is not made!. Purified water is either tap water, spring water, or well water that has been run through a high level filtration system!. NOTE: not all water filters purify water!. Only a very small percentage of home filters qualify as purification systems!.
Check out ratings and standards of water filters and purification systems at the Water Quality Association web site at WQA!.org!. They should even have some links to the National Sanitation Foundation (NSF) International site too!.
The only actual purification systems I know of is a distillery and e-Spring which was used on Extreme Makeover Home Edition!. It has a multi stage activated carbon block with a UV light!. Only a distillery will get water cleaner so that is why they used it!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
Regular water is made of 2 elements that naturally occur in the earth: hydrogen and oxygen!. If you're referring to bottled water, most is just tap water that's been carbon filtered a few times!. Some bottled water comes from fresh springs, and is then carbon filtered and UV filtered (this kills microbes)!. There are other filtration methods too, but basically, once you filter it once, it's just fine!. So, don't waste money on bottled water!. It's just usually expensive tap water!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
Two parts Hydrogen, 1 part Oxygen!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
hydrogen and oxygen at a ratio of 2:1Www@FoodAQ@Com
h2o = One part Hydrogen, one part OxygenWww@FoodAQ@Com