When does Red Bull start to become dangerous for your health?!

Question: When does Red Bull start to become dangerous for your health!?
Don't drink more than 2 or 3 a day!. It's bad for your heart!. There's a warning label on the back of the can!.

Plus, there's tons of sugar in it so don't drink too much on a regular basis or you'll rot your teeth out!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Red Bull is never healthy!. The minute you put it into your body it's bad!. A lot of people like the taste, I have had it before!.!.!.and I will say I also do like it!.!.!.

But nothing that tastes good, is more important then your health!. If you drink it too much, it definitely will get way too dangerous for your health!.!.!.

You should find out what's really in it!. It gets your heart beat all rapid because of the sugar, which gets you hyper, and gets your heart beating faster then it should!.!.!.then you get a crash, which takes over your brain!.!.!.this also is not good for you!. You might not think you crash, but you really do!.!.!.

There's also a lot of guarana in it, which isn't good for you either!. Think of energy drinking as a drug!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

When you drink it!. It tastes like billiards chalk to me!. No thank you, just give me some water(not city water) or better yet milk straight from the cow, well not straight from the cow, i'd rather have it in a glassWww@FoodAQ@Com

Energy drinks of any type are bad for you even if your friends say they arent! whatever you do dont drink anymore then one a day if you want them every day of the week!. the drink has too much sugar and other things that are bad for you!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

I have never had a Red Bull before but it sounds like it's just like caffeine therefore, I wouldn't recommend having too much of it in one day!. In the long run, it can damage your health!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

drink like 5 of themWww@FoodAQ@Com

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