How can I convert a drink to be non-alcoholic without losing the flavor?!

Question: How can I convert a drink to be non-alcoholic without losing the flavor!?
I recently stumbled upon a cache of drink recipes that sound absolutely delightful, and I am eager to try them out!. The only problem is, I'm one of those people who physically cannot imbibe alcohol in any amount without a nasty, allergy-like reaction that sends me to the emergency room!. So, does anyone know of a method of mixing drinks without alcohol that keeps close to the original flavor of the drink!?

Example drink: Fountain of Youth

* 4 cl Bacardi Lemon
* 1 cl Peppermint Green
* 3 cl Apple Juice
* 1 cl Lime
* Sprite

Any suggestions or ideas would be greatly appreciated!Www@FoodAQ@Com

All you can do is eliminate the alcohol!. You could try adding, a bit of lemon juice to the recipe above along with a splash of tonic water!. The tonic water will give a bit of bitter/alcohol 'taste'!. Don't over-do it tho!.!.!.

also, since you can't take in any alcohol, you won't have anything to compare it to!!!

No problem!Www@FoodAQ@Com

I would just leave out the alcohol, but include a different liquid that has similar tastes to the alcohol!. So, that way, you still get the same basic flavor!. :)Www@FoodAQ@Com

Just leave out the BecardiWww@FoodAQ@Com

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