How much quantity of soft drink can i use in a day?!

Question: How much quantity of soft drink can i use in a day!?
i read mainy places like news paper, books ect!. the soft drinks is harmfull our health!. is it true!?Www@FoodAQ@Com

Soft drinks are empty calories and not very good for you!. They cause bloating and water retention, tooth decay and obesity!. Its much better to drink water, juices or milk!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

If you have one or two a day, it shouldn't hurt anything!. Be careful about the sugar content and the sodium content!. If you have the soft drink in between meals instead of a snack, it should be fine!. Having it with your meal sometimes doubles the calories in that meal!. If you can get artificially sweetened soft drinks, they may be better for you -- if you're not sensitive or allergic to the sweetener, of course!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

If you drink a soft drink a day, you should be fine!. Soda contains a lot of sugar and sodium that you can do without!. Be careful of the diet soft drinks!. Just because they don't have the sugars, they contain aspartame which has been linked to retarded brain growth and other not nice things in children and the fetuses of pregant women!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

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