What on this planet can make Ensure taste good?!
I've been drinking Ensure the past few weeks to gain weight (along with exercise) because I'm pretty scrawny!. I've tried chocolate and vanilla, both of which taste wretched!. It tastes like what I'd imagine liquid metal served chilled to taste like!. And blood!. 50% metal 50% blood!. Nasty combination!. A recipe would be greatly appreciated (milk shake perhaps!?)!. I don't want to know what flavors you think are good, as I'm sure they all taste like ***!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
I broke my jaw a few years ago and had to drink Ensure threw a straw to make sure I got enough calories!.!.!.Here's the magic trick: icecream, whole milk, and berries and a blender!.
mix the ensure (chocolate was my fav, but you can experiment) Dump the enusre in the blender, add one or two scoops of your favorite icecream and a cup of whole milk, and you can put blue berries, strawberries, or even chocolate chips into the mix and mix it all up!. I promise it will taste a million and a half times better than it did before, plus you are adding even more calories which will help you bulk up!.
If you get sick of the ensure drinks, you might want to stop into a GNC store and looks at a protein powder to help you bulk up quicker!.
Good luck!Www@FoodAQ@Com
mix the ensure (chocolate was my fav, but you can experiment) Dump the enusre in the blender, add one or two scoops of your favorite icecream and a cup of whole milk, and you can put blue berries, strawberries, or even chocolate chips into the mix and mix it all up!. I promise it will taste a million and a half times better than it did before, plus you are adding even more calories which will help you bulk up!.
If you get sick of the ensure drinks, you might want to stop into a GNC store and looks at a protein powder to help you bulk up quicker!.
Good luck!Www@FoodAQ@Com
I went to a health club for a while that had samples of Ensure and everything was totally disgusting!.
Then they had Ensure Plus and I was in heaven!. The chocolate tastes great!. I haven't tried any other flavors of Ensure Plus!.
There are no flavors of regular Ensure that taste good!. All regular Ensures are so bad they are undrinkable!. Try the Plus variety!.
they offer samples and coupons!. I'll bet the samples are regular Ensure but the coupons might be good for both!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
Then they had Ensure Plus and I was in heaven!. The chocolate tastes great!. I haven't tried any other flavors of Ensure Plus!.
There are no flavors of regular Ensure that taste good!. All regular Ensures are so bad they are undrinkable!. Try the Plus variety!.
they offer samples and coupons!. I'll bet the samples are regular Ensure but the coupons might be good for both!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
PERFECT SOLUTION - I used to hate it, and I drank chocolate and vanilla flavored Ensure just like you, I got used to both, but there is a much better flavor out there!.
The flavor is Coffee Latte Ensure, it tastes just like a Starbucks cappucino, and it is amazing, I actually like it, and want more!.
Try it out!. I know you don't want to know other flavors, but I'm telling you, this flavor is really worth a shot, it tastes great!.
You could also just add sugar to it, but trust me, you get used to any flavor after 3-4+ times!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
The flavor is Coffee Latte Ensure, it tastes just like a Starbucks cappucino, and it is amazing, I actually like it, and want more!.
Try it out!. I know you don't want to know other flavors, but I'm telling you, this flavor is really worth a shot, it tastes great!.
You could also just add sugar to it, but trust me, you get used to any flavor after 3-4+ times!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
Switch out to BOOST and go to walgreens, GNC, Walmart!.!.!.look for a product called WEIGHT GAINER 2000 made by MLO!. Get the Vanilla, mix HALF the reccomended amount of powder into the full amount of milk and do this about three times a day!.!.!.make sure you are keeping up with a weights routine or you will not gain any weight!.!.!.you have an endomorphic body which blesses you with a fast metabolism!. You should calculate your caloric intake for your age and height *there is a chart at GNC you can consult* and then manufacture a menu to match it!. With proper excercise and supplements, you will put on muscle mass which weights more than fat and lingers longer in the eyes of the girls!.!.!.!.!.!.Ha Cha Cha!Www@FoodAQ@Com
Could you switch to something else like make your own shakes with ingredients like fresh fruit and add protein powder to them to bulk up!?
I always think of Ensure as the adult version of baby formula, and I'm a militant breastfeeder who wouldn't give formula to my babies either - yucky, yucky, yucky to both!. I'm sorry you have to drink it!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
I always think of Ensure as the adult version of baby formula, and I'm a militant breastfeeder who wouldn't give formula to my babies either - yucky, yucky, yucky to both!. I'm sorry you have to drink it!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
It's a fact that if you hold your breath while swallowing, you won't taste whatever it is you are not wanting to taste when you swallow it!. (medicine, etc!.!.!.!.) If you want to gain weight, why don't you just eat ice cream and cake and hamburgers, fries,etc!.!.!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
Skip the ensure and go to your local GNC and buy a can of protein powder!. Get the kind that isn't flavored or that is flavored Vanilla!. Mix it with whole mild, not water and add chocolate syrup!.!.!.!.!.My hubby is a weight-lifter and he drinks three a day!.
Good LUCK!!Www@FoodAQ@Com
Good LUCK!!Www@FoodAQ@Com
I used to take boost, which is similar!.
Waste of money!.
If you're not gaining weight, there's no harm in buying a jug of ice cream and pigging out!.!. chances are if you gain too much weight, which you won't since you have a hard time gaining weight to begin with, it won't be too hard to get it off ;-)Www@FoodAQ@Com
Waste of money!.
If you're not gaining weight, there's no harm in buying a jug of ice cream and pigging out!.!. chances are if you gain too much weight, which you won't since you have a hard time gaining weight to begin with, it won't be too hard to get it off ;-)Www@FoodAQ@Com
Put the Ensure in a blender with a banana and a few ice cubes and maybe some other frozen fruit you like, too!. Blend it up and you'll have a nice, healthy smoothie!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
Yea, tastes pretty lousy!. Can't do much about it, except having your taste buds removed!. You can try other ones such as Boost, but IMO it is all the same crap!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
LOL i got strawberry!.!. that isn't soo bad!. I'm doing it to gain weight because I'm preg! But I would say try strawberry :) !.!. or try Boost!.!.!. it's the same thing just different brandWww@FoodAQ@Com
Throw it in the blender with a chocolate bar!. Hmmmmmmm, delicious!. Yum yum!!!Www@FoodAQ@Com
try alot of sugarWww@FoodAQ@Com