Sparkling water and diet soda?!
I have recently quit drinking diet soda because of the sodium and other things that are in it!. But i was wondering if sparkling water is just as bad for your body as diet soda!? Phenylanine is in both of them what is that!?Www@FoodAQ@Com
Sparkling water!!! Soda wether it's diet or not is just plain bad, actually diet soda can be worse on a diet than the regular soda!.
2 articles:
Diet Cola's Downside
If you think you're doing your body a favor by choosing diet soda, the exact opposite may hold true!.
Your diet drinking habits may warn of weight problems to come!. Studies show a 54 percent greater risk of obesity among people who drink two cans or more daily!.
People who drink diet soft drinks don't lose weight!. In fact, they gain weight, a new study shows!.
The findings come from eight years of data collected by Sharon P!. Fowler, MPH, and colleagues at the University of Texas Health Science Center, San Antonio!. Fowler reported the data at the annual meeting of the American Diabetes Association in San Diego!.
"What didn't surprise us was that total soft drink use was linked to overweight and obesity," Fowler tells WebMD!. "What was surprising was when we looked at people only drinking diet soft drinks, their risk of obesity was even higher!."
In fact, when the researchers took a closer look at their data, they found that nearly all the obesity risk from soft drinks came from diet sodas!.
"There was a 41% increase in risk of being overweight for every can or bottle of diet soft drink a person consumes each day," Fowler says!.
More Diet Drinks, More Weight Gain
Fowler's team looked at seven to eight years of data on 1,550 Mexican-American and non-Hispanic white Americans aged 25 to 64!. Of the 622 study participants who were of normal weight at the beginning of the study, about a third became overweight or obese!.
For regular soft-drink drinkers, the risk of becoming overweight or obese was:
26% for up to 1/2 can each day
30!.4% for 1/2 to one can each day
32!.8% for 1 to 2 cans each day
47!.2% for more than 2 cans each day!.
For diet soft-drink drinkers, the risk of becoming overweight or obese was:
36!.5% for up to 1/2 can each day
37!.5% for 1/2 to one can each day
54!.5% for 1 to 2 cans each day
57!.1% for more than 2 cans each day!.
For each can of diet soft drink consumed each day, a person's risk of obesity went up 41%!.
Why Diet Soda Is Not As Healthy As You May Think
1!. You might notice that you get bloated if you decide to drink diet soda!. The main reason is because the carbonation that can be found in diet soda leads to fluid retention!. This could be the reason that you might begin to notice a little bit of a "pouch" if you are drinking a lot of diet soda lately!. Although you might think that you will lose a whole lot of weight through drinking diet soda, the truth is that you could end up feeling as though you are losing less weight with regular soda because of the amount of water weight that you could end up gaining from diet soda!.
2!. One of the main reasons that you night be drinking this is because it is low in sugar!. However, did you ever wonder if it was low in anything else!? Just because diet soda is low in sugar does not mean that it isn't loaded in other things!. In fact, diet soda has an extremely high sodium content!. One of your main questions might be if sugar or sodium intake is worse!. The answer is that you can really flip a coin or take your pick!. Both are not healthy when they are drank excessively!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
2 articles:
Diet Cola's Downside
If you think you're doing your body a favor by choosing diet soda, the exact opposite may hold true!.
Your diet drinking habits may warn of weight problems to come!. Studies show a 54 percent greater risk of obesity among people who drink two cans or more daily!.
People who drink diet soft drinks don't lose weight!. In fact, they gain weight, a new study shows!.
The findings come from eight years of data collected by Sharon P!. Fowler, MPH, and colleagues at the University of Texas Health Science Center, San Antonio!. Fowler reported the data at the annual meeting of the American Diabetes Association in San Diego!.
"What didn't surprise us was that total soft drink use was linked to overweight and obesity," Fowler tells WebMD!. "What was surprising was when we looked at people only drinking diet soft drinks, their risk of obesity was even higher!."
In fact, when the researchers took a closer look at their data, they found that nearly all the obesity risk from soft drinks came from diet sodas!.
"There was a 41% increase in risk of being overweight for every can or bottle of diet soft drink a person consumes each day," Fowler says!.
More Diet Drinks, More Weight Gain
Fowler's team looked at seven to eight years of data on 1,550 Mexican-American and non-Hispanic white Americans aged 25 to 64!. Of the 622 study participants who were of normal weight at the beginning of the study, about a third became overweight or obese!.
For regular soft-drink drinkers, the risk of becoming overweight or obese was:
26% for up to 1/2 can each day
30!.4% for 1/2 to one can each day
32!.8% for 1 to 2 cans each day
47!.2% for more than 2 cans each day!.
For diet soft-drink drinkers, the risk of becoming overweight or obese was:
36!.5% for up to 1/2 can each day
37!.5% for 1/2 to one can each day
54!.5% for 1 to 2 cans each day
57!.1% for more than 2 cans each day!.
For each can of diet soft drink consumed each day, a person's risk of obesity went up 41%!.
Why Diet Soda Is Not As Healthy As You May Think
1!. You might notice that you get bloated if you decide to drink diet soda!. The main reason is because the carbonation that can be found in diet soda leads to fluid retention!. This could be the reason that you might begin to notice a little bit of a "pouch" if you are drinking a lot of diet soda lately!. Although you might think that you will lose a whole lot of weight through drinking diet soda, the truth is that you could end up feeling as though you are losing less weight with regular soda because of the amount of water weight that you could end up gaining from diet soda!.
2!. One of the main reasons that you night be drinking this is because it is low in sugar!. However, did you ever wonder if it was low in anything else!? Just because diet soda is low in sugar does not mean that it isn't loaded in other things!. In fact, diet soda has an extremely high sodium content!. One of your main questions might be if sugar or sodium intake is worse!. The answer is that you can really flip a coin or take your pick!. Both are not healthy when they are drank excessively!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
Sparkling water isn't good for your teeth, and can cause erosion!. It's a step better than diet soda, but it's really still not that good!. Anything that's carbonated isn't that great for you!. Why not drink regular water!? It's much more refreshing and satisfying than sparkling water!.
And phenylalanine isn't something you have to worry about, it's an amino acid!. The only people who have to worry about it are people with phenylketonuria, a genetic condition that makes it impossible for their body to digest it!. If you had phenylketonuria you would know, so phenylalanine shouldn't be a problem for you!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
And phenylalanine isn't something you have to worry about, it's an amino acid!. The only people who have to worry about it are people with phenylketonuria, a genetic condition that makes it impossible for their body to digest it!. If you had phenylketonuria you would know, so phenylalanine shouldn't be a problem for you!.Www@FoodAQ@Com