Starbucks Frappucinos?!
I went to Barnes & Noble yesterday!. Someone told me to try a Pumpkin Spice frappucino!. Well i did and honestly i did not care for it!. But everyone who has tried it liked it!. When i ordered it they said it is a Pumpkin Spice Latte Frappucino!. I really didn't taste the pumpkin at all!. Why!?Www@FoodAQ@Com
Okay first of all its either a latte or a frappuccino!.!.!. you can't have both in the same drink!. Lattes are hot, frappuccinos are cold!. (Sorry that annoys me)
And if you can hardly taste the pumpkin you can ask the barista to put in extra pumps of flavoring in!. I personally put about 5 pumps in my grande size pumpkin spice frappuccino, because that's just the right amount for me!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
And if you can hardly taste the pumpkin you can ask the barista to put in extra pumps of flavoring in!. I personally put about 5 pumps in my grande size pumpkin spice frappuccino, because that's just the right amount for me!.Www@FoodAQ@Com