Does tap water or bottle water have more natural minerals?!
I just read an interesting article in Reader's Digest about water, tap and bottled!. If you are interested in this topic, you should look the article up!. I don't remember which month it was, but I am sure you could find it!. Some of the points in the article were: Many bottled waters are not actually "Spring Water", but tap water simply put into bottles!. Real Spring Water is better for you, but a good source may be one of the problems!. You obviously need to read your bottles of water, just like you need to read everything else!. Tap water has been put through a bunch of cleaning, bleach processes, etc!., and I suppose you could do an online search about "tap water minerals"!. Well water often contains a lot of minerals and the specific minerals would depend upon the terrain where the well has been dug!. Another point made by the article was the fact that nearly all bottled water is put into plastic bottles in which elements from the plastic leach into the water and is not really too good for you!. The longer the water sits in the bottles, the more plastic and chemicals leach into the water!. If the water is stored in a warm enviroment, then the chemicals leach much faster!. Personally, I don't like drinking my water mixed with chemicals!. Try finding the article (and doing more research, yourself)!. You may think a little further about your source of water!. You might try the health food store and see if they have a source of spring water that is not kept in plastic bottles!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
Some bottle water can be fortified with minerals, but depending on the process most if not natural minerals are removed!.
One summer I almost tried selling home filters but decided that it would take far more stretching of the truth than I cared to expend!. Www@FoodAQ@Com
One summer I almost tried selling home filters but decided that it would take far more stretching of the truth than I cared to expend!. Www@FoodAQ@Com
After reading the back of a FIGI bottle of water I would have to say the bottled one it has the calcium,magnesium,Ph's!.Bicarbs,Www@FoodAQ@Com
the sameWww@FoodAQ@Com