What's the best way to get a soda to stop fizzing when you open it? :P?!
yeah, so i just got a 7up out of the fridge and whenever i try to open it, it rises up too fast like someone shook it, and it's pretty annoying!. Plus, i have no other idea for a question lol!. heeellpWww@FoodAQ@Com
Hi!. Take the 7-up, get a glass & pour it into a glass with the glass tilted, that way you can pour all the 7-up in the glass without waiting for fizz to go down!. If you drink put of the can it is going to have fizz!. PeaceWww@FoodAQ@Com
dude!.!.!. you need to tap the top of the can with ur finger!.!.!. the fizz will go down like totally!.!.!. it always works!. ur welcome!Www@FoodAQ@Com