Do you think paying over $4 for a coffee is normal?!
I think it's incredibly expensive and I don't believe it's about your income
Im only 17 and i dont really find it expensive depending on where your buying it from.
Say its from Starbucks, then it would make sense to pay over $4 but if your just getting if from McDonalds or some other fast food place that offers coffee, then itd be a bit rediculous to buy a $4 dollar coffee.
I don't think so. Consider that there are few things in life you should never pay for such as: water. You have it at home, than why pay $2 per bottle? Now you see you are paying 2 dollars for less than half the water that's in your coffee, and the other 2 dollars is milk, sugar and coffee. Do the math. three spoons of sugar does not equal a dollar, neither milk which is foam to begin with.
I stopped buying coffee a long time ago.
I used to work at Starbucks. People would pay upwards of $6 for a cup of coffee and they would be regulars too. It's ridiculous unless you're living lavishly and can afford it, which I can't.
It depends on financial status of people. Very high-level people can pay but for poor and middle class people it is so expensive to pay $4 for a coffee.
Depends on the kinda person you are.. Bill gates wouldn't find it very expensive.. But a normal middle class human would..
Its not a normal range of drinking a mog of coffee paying $4. Every should take special care of it.
Paying over $4 for a coffee is so xpensive
A lot of people do it, but I think it's nuts
they've lost their marbles. I remember when coffee was ten cents.
no it is not.