I forgot to turn off my coffee machine before work today. is it ok?!
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I would find a way to get someone (if not yourself) to turn it off
No it will not keep brewing. Some coffee machines shut off the hot plate after two hours. If you coffee pot does not at best it will burn the remaining coffee. It will not cause a fire. If you find the coffee burnt on in the bottom of the glass pot, use dish washing liquid and salt to scrub it off.
I am a janitor and come across many coffee pots left on over the weekend.
depends on the machine
most newer coffee makers have timers or sensors, and will automatically shut off the burner/hot plate after a period of time.
if this machine doesn't have this, the least it will do is evaporate all the coffee and burn the remenents onto the inside of the pot... but it could damage the pot/machine, or even catch fire
If it's out of water, it will not keep brewing.
The newer ones shut themselves off after 3 hours or so.
The older ones will keep the plate hot & may crack the pot.
probably not catch on fire but in the future make it a habit of unplugging everything before you leave your home. The pot maybe burned but water and soap with a scrub will get it back clean.