I just drank 2 Redline Xtremes, a 24-ounce Rockstar and 2 liters of Pepsi Max, will I have a heart attack?!
I have also had 2 24-ounce Zero Carb Rockstars, 2 Low-Carb Monster 24-ounces, 4 Emergen-C energy shots, a 24-ounce espresso coffee freeze, and 2 other Sugar-Free Rockstars in the past 72 hours. I am 5'11" and 240 pounds. What are the odds of me suffering a heart attack or aneurysm?
Are you serious? You're an idiot.
Pretty good since you've yet to choose a best answer to this question.
Well if ya live through this you'll be answering your own question.... this was not an intelligent thing to do..
kind of late to be asking this question
dunno but bet u wont sleep well