Who is better for health "Fresh Water or Soft Drink"?!
Fresh Water
It depends on what is going on with you. Normally, soft drinks are bad for you, mainly because of the carbonation. But if you have been sweating a lot, you have lost more than just water and will need a little salt and sugar, both of which are present in soft drinks. So yes, on hot days, pop is actually a great drink. :)
the only way soft drinks > fresh water for your health is in the magical world of pokemon... Lemonade and sodapop give you more HP than fresh water...
pokemon red verion, fire red version, and yellow version
Fresh water of course; nearly all soft drinks contain preservative, sugar, etc which are not beneficial for health.
Fresh water is better because soft drinks contain pesticides several times than recommended by govt
Hi suman,
water is better. Soft drinks are bad for your health, specially bones.
Health article
Obviously water
Fresh Water
Fresh Water......................
Soft Drink