Alcohol replacements in mixed drinks?!
You don't need a substitute for alcohol, since alcohol is tasteless, anyway. If you need something to make up for the parts of alcohol that you aren't adding to the drink, try plain water. It should taste the same.
If you need flavored liqueurs, try something with the same flavor but no alcohol, e.g., orange juice for orange liqueur, sugar syrup for rum, a few drops of anise oil in water for Ricard, etc. Another option is to substitute cream for liqueurs, possibly with fruit syrup flavorings. High-quality fruit syrup concentrates can add a nice flavor with no booze.
Most of your cocktails can just be made without the alcohol. The only time this will cause a problem is when they call for flavored liquor. In those cases try to find a concentrate of the requested flavor and add that instead.
You can get non-alcoholic wine,you should be able to get it in your supermarket off-license,or if they don't have it you might have to look in normal off-licenses or online.