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I'm Canadian too and I know how cold it is and how impossible it is to find a horse fly. Find some proof and complain the heck out of it! What if you'd swallowed it? What if other people ALREADY HAVE swallowed it? Milk isn't always clean! COMPLAIN!
In a science experiment in class, we filtered milk and found little black hairs that didn't belong to any of us. It was cow hairs. I know milk isn't clean.
The milk is pasteurizes pasteurized, it won’t hurt you but get your own cow just to be sure in the future.
Yeah, you should probably complain. Go complain to the company or something. If I were you I would sue them. LOL
i'd complain, but how do you prove it?
good question, you might wanna ask that one too
You're an american. Go sue!
That is absolutely disgusting. I am so sorry, if that was me i would be scarred for life. once i found a tiny fly on my sandwhich and i was not able to eat those kind of sandwhiches for 3 years afterwards, so i am so sorry for your fly incident. i think you should take the milk back and get a new one, at the very least. i'm not sure what you can do about it, but maybe you should complain, i don't want to find flies in my milk either. what brand of milk was it?
ahh yuck that is so disgusting i hope it didn't get in your mouth. GROSS IM SO SORRY! COMPLAIN TO THEM!!!