Is Green Tea the same as Japanese Green Tea?!
I asked for "Japanese Tea" and the sales-assistant just looked at me blankly...
Roadie Joe is mostly correct. The "Japanese-style" green tea you are thinking of is made using a powdered tea known as "matcha." With the popularity of green tea products, matcha tea powder is becoming much easier to find these days (it's what's used in green tea ice cream, baked goods, and the green tea lattes at Starbucks & other coffee chains. It's quite versatile - I've used mine to bake green tea cupcakes and as an ingredient in spice blends).
Matcha can be purchased commercially at Asian markets, high-end groceries, specialty tea shops, and any number of places online. Try doing a Google product search - in addition to Asian brands, tea companies like Teavana & Mighty Leaf sell matcha. Don't buy anything marketed as a latte or frappe mix - that will have sugar and other ingredients mixed in. You want the pure matcha powder. Just be aware, it can get pretty expensive. Also, a little goes a long way, so use it sparingly!
Tea drinker & tea fanatic.
Green tea, in the generic sense means untreated, recently picked, plain tea leaves. There are actually 2 subspecies and one hybrid. The Chinese style of green tea, sometimes also called country style tea, comes from a bush with smaller leaves. The tea is usually whole leaf and is made without steeping. Japanese green tea comes from a plant with bigger leaves. It is usually packaged as a fine green powder (which is also used in tasty ice cream). The powder is often whisked in hot water, to make a bit of froth. That is probably the variety you were served in a sushi bar. Most Asian market carry it and it is usually labeled "Japanese style green tea" look for powder or fine on the label too.
Is Green Tea the same as Japanese Green Tea? No, it is not. There are many different varieties of Green Tea. Japanese Green Tea is said to be the highest quality and is usually consumed fresh, less processed and retains more of its nutrients and antioxidants than regular tea. The best Japanese Green Tea to look out for is Gyokuro and Sencha. The best place to find them are Asian Supermarkets.
More about Green Tea here…
Japan Australia Blog…
Japanese green tea is a slightly different blend.