What is the glass equivalent to a 700mL Poland Spring Sports bottle?!
I know you're supposed to drink 6-8 "glasses" of water a day, but lets be serious I'm a college student I don't usually carry a "glass" around. However, I do have packs upon packs of 700mL Poland Spring sports bottles at home. So the question, about how many of those bottles will equal out to the 6 glasses of water a day? And blah blah I know about the enviroment and the landfills but honestly if I couldn't carry the glass around, I probably can't carry the Brita water filter around either. No worries, I reuse.
>A glass of water is 8 Fl Oz of liquid, this is equal to 236 mL of water, which happens to be one standard cup of water.
8 glasses = 8 x 236 = 1,888 mL
700 ml/236 = almost 3 cups of water
So you would have to carry around a little over two of your 700 mL bottles to get the 8 glasses of 8 Fl Oz water per day. 1888/700 = 2.7 bottles to be exact.