Coffee or tea? And what type?!
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A store called Tevana sells awesome tea and always have a lot of samples out for tasting. Its not bagged but given in the leaf form so it is nice and fresh!
Another store called Bubble Island has really fun creative teas where you can mix and match teas with flavors and you get little "bubbles" or fruit jellies in the bottom of your drink. My favorite is the "tropical rush".
If you are going simple, Green Tea and honey is always good when your sick and it is a natural fat burner.
I used to drink coffee a lot, but then i realized it's crazy unhealthy, only taste good when someone else does it for you, or you have your own coffee machine thingy. Tea has a huge variety of flavors.
Black/Earl Grey is what i started with, which is basically like Coffee, really strong, high caffeinated, and if you add sugar and milk it's practically coffee.
Green Tea is great with or without sugar, and can really keep anyone awake. Plain green tea is kinda boring though, I usually like roasted brown rice green tea, or buckwheat green tea. Most above average japanese restaurants will serve roasted brown rice green tea. It's good!!! Like i have a cup on my table right now.
White Tea is ok i guess, there's some really flavorful white teas, It's more of a refreshing drink. In my opinion, it's only good on a hot summer day at a pic-nic.
Jasmin is very unique and strong, it's kinda like the cilantro of tea. I prefer it mixed with a white tea, or earl gray. It can be really good if you make it right.
Oolong! it's like the rice of tea. It can go with everything, and it's a pretty basic tea. you can drink it when ever and it's good. A lot of chinese food restaurants serve this, most people like this tea, from kids to adults, it's widely excepted
Herbal tea: Idk what to say about this one, but it's healthy i guess... Idk, i really just don't have a taste for herbal, maybe i just haven't tried the right one yet, but i don't like it must, green tea is all i need to health ^_^
--- One more thing,
There's essentially 3 types of mediums tea comes in
1. Tea bags: pros:
Very convenient, easy to store, and individual cups
Doesn't bring out the flavor of the tea as good, often leaves the tea tasting like poorly flavored water, and you can't change the increments of how much leaves you want to add.
2. Triangle Tea bags: Basically, it's loose leaf in a better infuser
Pros: Semi easier to store (depends on brand), taste better then normal tea bags
3. Looser leaf: basically this is the plain leaf, and you have to add this to boiling water and strain after infusion is done
Pros: Taste amazing! you get to control the strength of tea, you can mix teas, and there's a huge variety of teas
Cons: sometimes hard to find tea stores (depends on location), hard to store, need your own infuser.
Tea is the way to go
there's also more types of tea then i listed but that's the basics
Heavy drinker since 8th grade year of jr high
1., Like tea, it each area the tea or coffee is grown in determines most taste and outcome
2. you can mix coffee with alcohol and not get too drunk. Such as Kaulauh and coffee.
3. The most expensive coffee in the world comes from Hawaii and is known as Kona Coffee.(Which is roughly 15 bucks a pound)
4. There are more recipes that call for coffee to be added into there food than there is recipe for food with tea.
5. Its easy to make tea, But there are a thousand and one ways to make coffee.
Definitely tea. I've found that it doesn't stain your teeth as much, you don't get as much caffeine (this could be a pro or con, I don't really need caffeine so I get jittery really easily), there are a ton of different types of tea with different effects (make you fall asleep, wake you up, fight off colds, etc...) and where I live it makes you a hipster. Still not positive on why drinking tea has become so great (I've been drinking tea all my life) but everyone seems to think it make you awesome. So, included in that list is immediate awesomeness.
Homemade jasmine iced tea. I boil 10 regular teabags with 10 jasmine tea bags. Let cool, then put it in a dispenser in the fridge. Excellent iced tea on tap! You could use any other flavors of tea too, like peach or raspberry or whatever your favorite is.
I like tea, but I like coffee flavored stuff xD
both, tea, and coffee, can kill you though =)
my mom always tells me "you dont want to get kidney disease by drinking sweet tea all the tme"...
At least i'll die happy =)
rofl, kidding about that last part... i've cut down on the tea... Now i'm chugging down soda! =D
(its caffine free tho... xD)
Tea, it is so much better for you it comes in so many flavors. There are teas to keep you young, help you sleep, give you energy, calm your nerves, help you when you have a cold, or even refresh you by just adding ice.
I used to drink black tea with milk but now my favorite is rooibos tea from South Africa. It's also really good for you.
Neither, but I love CAROB tea with HONEY using milk/water 50/50
green tea, sooooo delicious
I love white tea! I guess it's not so interesting... but it's sure tasty. :D