When you hear the word Milkshake, what is the first thing that you think of?!
A good drink!
Some places that come to mind are Steak n' Shake, McDonald's, and Burger King.
Vibrating Milk at a rapid speed of intense velocity involving frothy milk to move to the top of the cup.
Boys coming to my yard, and determining that it is of a higher quality than yours.
"My milkshakes bring all the boys to the yard and there like its better than yours damn right its better than yours"
Milkshake. You?
My milkshake brings all the boys to the yard
Ever eaten at Cook-Out? Best damn milkshakes on the planet I TELL YOU WHAT.
A drink ,,, duh!!!
maaah milkshakes brings all the boys to the yarrdddd hoes!