Negative effects of drinking fruit juice?!
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Yes too much sugar.
There is a LOT of sugar in juice, about 1/3 ounce per half to whole cup (what you drink it from). that makes the teeth decay. + the acid in the juice helps the enamel of the teeth to break down.
Remember to drink water after juice, and remember to brush ya teeth
(Juice is colas little brother)
Hope it helped
It is full of sugar so it isn't very healthy. It is empty calories that can add to weight gain and result in diabetes. Black teeth is usually a result of smoking or dipping. Also poor hygiene.
As well as containing lots of natural sugar which affects your teeth, it also contains citric acid which can cause gastritis and candida as is kills all your good tummy bacteria.
Did a juice only diet for 3 days and ended up getting thrush - ehew!