Will drinking water and cranberry juice help to get cocaine out of my system ?!
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No. What water will do is dilute your urine, and potentially make the cocaine harder/nearly impossible to detect on standard tests. Labs that do urinalysis are not morons however, and many will treat obviously diluted piss as a positive. This is why you also want to take B complex vitamins, so that your piss will be yellow--use as directed, and don't go downing a whole bottle. You only need to drink the water several hours before the test because it's not actually helping rid your body of the cocaine. Your body still has to metabolize it, which takes up to three days ( sometimes longer for heavy usage).
Also drinking water is good for you, drug test or no. However too much water can lead to water intoxication, which can be fatal. Basically too much can also dilute the electrolytes in your blood stream causing your heart to stop, and/or cause your brain the swell or hemorrhage. Not a pleasant way to die.
It's believed that Rolaids, Tums, and other similar antacids can mask cocaine in your system. I don't know how reliable that is, but it probably couldn't hurt to chew a few a couple hours prior to the test.
This is not 100% guaranteed to make you pass. The only sure way to pass is to not use drugs.
All those herbs and other expensive "detox" remedies you find in head-shops and Online, are gimmicks. Most of them have been clinically proven not to work, and some labs will also attempt to detect the more popular ones, which again counts as a positive. I don't care how much anecdotal evidence, or triple-your-money-back guarantees the sellers give you, or how much your best friend swears they'll work, science always trumps pseudoscience.
One last thing to note, any attempt to fool a drug test can be considered illegal under certain circumstances. For example if your test is mandated by court order, it is considered tampering with evidence. In some states any attempt is considered fraud.
yhes and no yes it will loosen the effects of it faster but no it wont traces will be in your system for quite a while
medical expirience