What specialty Starbucks frap would you recommend?!

Question: What specialty Starbucks frap would you recommend?
I'm hoping to try more than just Cafe vanilla and Java chip :) Any suggestions?


You can check out all of the frappachino's here but the strawberrys & creme is the best! You can eat almost anything else on the menu with it and flavors won't clash, or you can take it home and it doesn't lose flavor. It also feels like a better version of a smoothie.



Personally, I'm all about the caramel frappuccino. Haven't met one I haven't liked yet.

Mocha raspberry
Black and white
Peppermint Mocha
Toffee nut

Lead barista

Coffee frappucino with whip cream and carmel sauce . its not overwhelmingly sweet as a caramel frap is . its my fave

I personally, like the Green Tea Frap.

lemon tea is good icecold one

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