Drinking Green Tea, and it's making me all giggly and excitable?! Can anyone explain why, please?!
Yes. This really is a serious question. I'm not fooling around. Opinions please?
If you're sensitive to caffeine, then that's probably the reason. Yes, green tea does contain caffeine. Here's a link that you might find helpful.
all I know about green tea is that its not safe to drink during pregnancy and it promotes weight loss. its not as simple of a ''tea'' as some pple think. its more of a effective herbal remedy.
Don't wish to jump to conclusions but it sounds a lot like your stoned.
And cannabis is green, and can be made into tea...
Did you by your "tea" from a hippy?
Did you make this tea yourself?
If not, you could inquire as to whether they might have put something in it.
Most green tea has caffeine in it.
I have no idea. There isn't even any caffeine in green tea, so I don't know why it would effect you in such a manner.
Green tea ***** me up too, ess'e.