How much caffeine is in Nescafé Express Cappuccino White 250ml?!
Maybe not precisely what you are looking for, but insight into your second question, why they are not required to post it on the bottle:
Q: How much caffeine is there in NESCAFé TASTER'S CHOICE?
A: House Blend approximately 65 mg
French Roast approximately 65 mg
Flavored approximately 25-30 mg
Decaf House Blend 2-5 mg
Caffeine content based on typical range of coffee powder used in 6 oz cup.
Q: How does this amount compare to other products that contain caffeine?
A: Coffee – Brewed (6 fl oz) 45 - 180 mg
Tea – Brewed (6 fl oz) 20 - 90 mg
Tea – Instant (6 fl oz) 24 - 31 mg
Soft Drink (8 fl oz cola type) 30 - 71 mg
Chocolate Milk (8 fl oz) 2 - 7 mg
Caffeine content based on information from the U.S. FDA and National Coffee Association
Q: Why is caffeine not listed on the ingredient label?
A: As caffeine is a natural substance in coffee, tea and chocolate, it is not required to be listed in the ingredient statement.