Is Root Beer halal for Muslims?!
I wanted to make sure if he is doing the right thing. Anyone who has an insight about Islam, please help me!!! :D
I'm a muslim and has been drinking root beer all my life. It is considered as soft drink & does not contain alcohol or any other haram substance. Even though previously root beer does contain alcohol, but todays root beer does not anymore.
Root beer IS non-alcoholic. Sure I am not Muslim, but I do know what I drink. There is even ginger ale which is another alcohol-sounding drink when it is clearly also non-alcoholic and a soda.
he is right root beer isn't beer it's just a soda. But you are a good brother for not arguing with him and seeking help to make sure he is not committing sins unknowingly.
Root beer is like ginger ale or ginger beer- its got the word like alcohol but its not alcohol. The flavor is kind of licorice-like or anise-like. Its not alcoholic at all, and often doesn't even have caffeine.
Root Beer is definitely non-alcoholic, especially from A&W. It's just carbonated water and artificial flavors.
root beer is a non-alcoholic drink.