How similar is lemon juice to lime juice?!
Lemons and limes are produced by different trees.
?A lime has denser flesh than a lemon which makes it heaver. Limes contain more acid than lemons, and are more sour (but lemons are small, green and more bitter before they mature and then turn yellow and more sweet when they mature. So what's the difference between a lime and an immature lemon?)
?When put into a glass or bowl of water, a lime will sink to the bottom, and a lemon will float on the top. Could the difference in density be due to a difference in sugar content or a difference in lipid (oil) content? Lipids are less dense than water. Lemons are known for their lemon oil. Cut a lemon and feel the oil on the surface. A small, dense, green, immature lemon floats in water!
Lemon juice, good for hair lightener and getting rid of dandruff.…
as far as citric acid (this is what helps with dandruff), they are similar.
But I'd stick with lemons. they are less expensive.
Hmm similarities...They're both sour.
Since they are relying on the acids, I don't see why not.