If I drink sugar beverages I get really sick... but I can eat sugar products all I want and have no problem.?!
When I drink sugar beverages I get an extreme stomach ache(soda, punch, lemonade, orange juice, grapefruit juice etc...) but I am able to eat any amount of sugary products that are not in liquid form without a problem... is this normal? Everyone around me seems to be able to drink whatever they want and if I drink products with sugar I end up laying down on the floor in the fetal position until the pain goes away.(usually 10-15mins) and I mean unbearable pain, I lay on the floor sweating curled up... so obviously I avoid these beverages but this issue does not seem normal to me.
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Check to see if it's actual sugar, or another artificial sweetener.
Take one for the team and mix up a little glass of sugar water. If it happens then, yeah, that's the cause. But it's more likely things like high fructose corn syrup (corn allergy), aspartame, or the various preservative acids that are placed in most commercial drinks.
You maybe allergic to something else they put into these products. No, it's not normal !