Why does coffee make me feel horny?!
if coffee is a metaphor for angelina jolie then its because shes hot... by the off chance you are talking about coffee your better off discussing the side effects of the product with nestle... i would take a stab in the dark that you are sensitive to caffeine...
Caffeine in coffee triggers the production of adrenaline, which in turn rushes blood to various body parts - the end result of which can make you feel like doing it.
Cola, hot chocolate and tea can theoretically have the same effect.
Maybe you're just horny all the time, and the coffee is just a coinidence. Nympho.
if you are cold the answer is simple going from cold to hot makes blood rush through your body faster and will make you horny.
PLEASE tell me what brand you are drinking because it does not happen with Nescafe Original. lol
Uhh...I don't drink coffee..
Nope :D
ummm no thats just weird