Why does my coffee taste so horrible?!
I also have been using the same coffee as always.
are you putting in fresh water?
have you given it a good clean? it could be clogged somewhere and that is affecting the taste.
Read the instructions and it might say that this particular coffee maker needs a certain type of coffee bean.
If you're still not happy with the taste then talk to the company that you bought it from and say you are not satisfied with the taste.
They can then suggest some solutions for you.
good luck x
Did the mfr instructions tell you to cycle water through it a couple times before making your first pot?
Did you do that?
Do you use paper filters?
Is it a drip coffee maker? A french press? Percolator?
All of these things make a difference.
How is the new machine different from the old machine?
Maybe the cycle is too short (coffee runs through too fast), or too hot, or not hot enough.
I used to sell specialty coffeemakers.
This is the best coffee and it is not taste horrible.