What Can I Drink For Energy? Please need tonight!?!
I am only 13 and am extremely against energy drinks, but tonight I'm really going to need the energy for a couple hours. Please?!
Best Answer - Chosen by Voters
Here are your best options:
Coffee (black, preferably)
(Coffee is stronger than tea, but tea is another natural option. If lots of energy is required, try all of these options)
Citrus fruits/juices
Any other fruits
I guess I'll have to add my vote to the coffee idea for the rush you needed last night. It's a shame to think that people have to suggest coffee or tea though, because what you're getting is the stimulus from the caffeine.
Since you were talking about only needing the short-term burst, then this is the way to go.
If, however, you are more interested in solving a long-term problem of feeling sluggish, I have a different suggestion. Most people who feel sluggish over a period of time find that they are carrying more weight than they should be.
Let's face it, that describes about 60% of the US population. The sluggish feeling is a result of not resting well and so much energy having to be used to digest the food you may be eating.
IF this is a concern, you might look into something to help you "quench your appetite"; thus allowing you to eat less because of stress, frustration, having to deal with "the munchies", etc.
While you're at it, try to limit the caffeine in your diet. Sure, 2-3 cups of coffee won't hurt you, but if you're already watching your blood pressure, it won't help either.
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Coffee. But you're being a little silly... Just because it doesn't say "energy drink" on the can doesn't mean it isn't an energy drink, or that it doesn't contain the exact same ingredients as a labelled energy drink. There's nothing wrong with energy drinks in moderation, like anything else.
LOL i sometimes have to drink Ensure. even tho it says that its supposed to help maintain healthy weight, it sorta does help. this is probably useless info...
well i drink mountain dew and that gives me energy. lol. or just when your getting tired, stick your face in REALLY cold water! lol. :)
meeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!! :) :) :)