Whats with the tea and milk? why do people like it?!
I was brought up on tea with milk although I have always drunk Earl Grey without. According to wikipedia the first recorded mention of milk in tea was in 1680 in Europe and it is usual in countries that have a large dairy industry Just because you grew up where everyone drinks tea with Lemon and /or sugar doesn't mean that to drink tea with milk is wrong, just different.
I have just answered another of your questions in food and drink and am getting the impression that you do not like the way we do things here.There is an old saying.."when in Rome do as the Romans do"
Having said that I have no objection to what you want to eat and drink, just don't criticise everyone else.
Tea with milk is fantastic, and very relaxing. It's just like drinking coffee with milk. Some people enjoy it with, some without. It depends on your taste. It's absolutely normal, and very popular to have milk or cream in your tea. If you haven't tried it, you might be surprised how delicious it is!
I just add a bit, to sweeten the tea just a little, and to cool it down.
It just makes the tea a bit..richer. :)
Because its fantastic and is how tea should be drank.
What do you mean by here? Canada? America? O_O
If so, its probably because of English heritage or something.
i don't like it
you're refering to chi tea I'm assuming.
I think it's gross.
I like green tea, earl grey, or black tea.. all the variations, too.
Earl Grey with milk and honey is delightful.
its really good, try it..