What is Monster (energy drink)?!
Yeah, it's the same kind of drink.
I think that getting into the habit of drinking stuff like that at 13 isn't a good idea. I would have a talk with your son to let him know that you aren't mad but you are concerned.
The drink is really just sugary, caffeinated crap...the whole "energy" thing is a ridiculous sales pitch...you don't get energy from drinking that crap.
Its exactly the same as Red Bull, V, Mother etc. its all the same but different taste.
there is a limit to how many you can have.
i think for a can of 500ml is 1 per day.
if you have too much you can get heart palpitations and things like that.
Basically, yes. Different taste, more different flavors, bigger can, but the same dangerous energy drink.
Many kids his age (and mine, I'm 13 but I don't drink it) drink Monster. It's not harmful for you, as long as you don't have too much. So you shouldn't be too concerned.
Basically .
There Both Enerqy Drink`s .
well monster is the best energy drink ever more flavors than red bull bigger! better! more epic!!! (So much better tasting in my opinion)
Its fine... Ever since I was in 6th grade people have been drinking monsters and I do.. I gotta four pack of them in my fridge
Monster is fine. I'm 13 and I drink it...tell him to get the orange kind XD