I made ice cubes but it is taking forever for them to harden! How long will it take I need to make like 3 more batches before Thanksgiving! Any ways to make it go faster!? Or any ideas of how to spend my time while I wait (Something productive please)
26 minutes ago - 4 days left to answer.
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I have an ice maker built into the fridge...but they don't come out heart shaped
20 minutes ago
26 minutes ago - 4 days left to answer.
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I have an ice maker built into the fridge...but they don't come out heart shaped
20 minutes ago
Options for how to get ice:
- Go and buy some bags of ice.
- Go to the store, get some icecube trays, fill them, and put them into your freezer.
- Just wait for the icecubes to harden using the ice maker built into your fridge, it can't take THAT long.
How to spend your time while you wait:
- Cook for thanksgiving
- Watch tv
- Watch a movie
- Read
- Sleep
yes by not opening the fridge and checking on them every 10 seconds.
Didn't you ask this question already?
be more patient it shouldnt take that long