Would a fruit tea taste good with milk in it?!
But I was wondering if it would taste good if I could put in a bit of milk in it?
Of corse if I added milk, I wouldn't need a lemon.
Can anyone advise me before I try it?
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I would suggest that in the future, you risk wasting the hot water, tea bag, and bit of milk, and try your vile mix, before asking on-line if it sounds good. It sounds horrible. I can't imagine how dumping milk into some honey tea would be good.
no it doesn't sound to good. and on the book it says not recommended to add milk i wouldn't it wont taste to good. keep the milk for the tea or coffee.
Try it ! It sounds really yummy. Personally, I've added milk to every tea I've tried, including green (which was okay), black (which was yummy), chai, etc.