What is the strongest coffee I can buy (caffeine wise) - grounds not beans?!
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Puerto Rican coffee. It's imported from Yauco, Puerto Rico. Very strong coffee comes from there. Most people think it's colombian but they just make coffee that seems strong because it's so bitter and because they have alot of flavors. Puerto Rico also has strong espresso which is way stronger than the coffee. Go to any store and make sure the coffee grounds you buy say "Imported from Puerto Rico". You'll have a better chance of finding Puerto Rican coffee in a spanish culture store like Twin City because even though Puerto Rico is apart of the U.S. and Colombia isn't, they sell Colombian and American coffee in regular stores because it's more popular. Puerto Rican flavored coffee is more flavored and their regular coffee is less bitter but over all just has way more caffeine which most people find bad. As for setting your coffee pot to "strong" that won't do anything but burn it so it has an even more bitter taste because as you know burnt things are very bitter in taste. Mostly hispanics like myself set the coffee pot to "strong" because we like the stronger more bitter taste but it definitely won't add more caffeine. That just doesn't make any sense. AND you should know that Starbucks doesn't even own strong coffee. Starbucks has weak watered down coffee that they burn for a strong taste but if your a real coffee drinker you'll realize there's still a taste of it being watered down no matter how much they burn it. Dunkin Donuts coffee (depending which Dunkin Donuts) doesn't usual have watered down coffee but its still very weak. Not as weak as Starbucks but still VERY weak. Same with the other coffee places and stores you listed. For the strongest it's Puerto Rican but if you want to shop in those places the strongest you'll find is just plain black coffee with nothing in it. Krogers, if I'm not mistaken, is usual down south around Ohio and Georgia and places farther south. Since you didn't tell me what state i can't tell you exactly where to go because if you live in Ohio for instance you won't find hardly any hispanic places. Good luck on your search though. I know this will help you if your a true coffee drinker and/or enthusiast.
Stores like those sell weak coffee so people will keep coming back for more when the caffeine rush goes away. This is how they make millions.
I'm Puerto Rican.
I'm a expert when it comes to coffee.
I worked at a coffee plant.