When a water bottle sits capped for a few days, it smells a little funny. Is it OK to drink?!
One reason being I have a very mouth watering cold (it's freezing in here) bottle of water next to me but it smells like butt.
Plastic bottles are the worst. They collect bacteria faster then glass( when opened).
So if your using plastic, throw it out and never refill plastic water bottles( they are for a one time use only).
If your using glass and tap water, just change it daily.
We do it for our pets( so your certainly worth fresh water)-:)
A pool?
Some water( and all tap waters) have chlorine in it. We use that in pools also. Maybe that's what your tasting/smelling.
It becomes more pronounced as the water sits around.
What kind of water is it? Bottled or tap?
Open bottle
Drink water,
throw bottle away
Open bottle
Drink water,
throw bottle away
Open bottle
Drink water,
throw bottle away
Open bottle
Drink water,
throw bottle away
Open bottle
Drink water,
throw bottle away
Open bottle
Drink water,
throw bottle away
okay if it smells funny should you drink it?
if food was lying around but wrapped in plastic that smells like poop. would you eat it?
because if it smells funky damn you don't want to know what it tastes like.
get new water (: and fridge it (: (: (: