What does it mean when guys say this? ?!
what does that mean????? does it mean they aren't as committed to the relationship? or that they're not that into the girl? or that they don't think the relationship will go far?
guys please help me understand.
They may like the girl a lot and be as committed as they are capable of, but the worry that they might break up and end up alone. They don't ever want to be without a girl, so they keep the door open with a few more just in case.
Girls do the same thing, btw. They're just better at justifying their behavior to themselves by saying things like they just have a lot of guy friends.
bachelors life. Go for many as u like. dont waste time until u meet someone to settle down. this is many guys' feeling. so beware...and play hard to get. guys will love it.
Those are players. They arent going to do you any good.
found it on the back of a ceral box