Tea, Sweet vs. Unsweet?!


Tea, Sweet vs. Unsweet?

I am thinking about giving up sodas for a year and I need your feedback on drinking iced tea. Should I go for sweet or unsweet tea or something with artificial sweetener or none at all? What are its pros and cons?

Definately unsweeten tea, there's some saying that high quality tea should be drank as it is so you could learn about the tea.

once you start drinking iced tea, i guess you will tend to drink it none stop...:)

teacuppa have some recipe on iced tea i have paste some of my fav to you.

Rose Oolong Tea

300 ml brewed Rose Oolong Tea/Oolong Tea with some rose buds
3 teaspoons of honey
Ice cubes (1/3 of the cocktail shaker/glass)

Pour all ingredients into a cocktail shaker
Shake vigorously for about 30 seconds
Pour mixture into drinking glasses and serve

Orange Black Tea

300 ml brewed Black Tea
150 ml fresh milk
3 tablespoons of orange juice
3 teaspoons of honey
Ice cubes (1/3 of the cocktail shaker/glass)

Pour all ingredients into a cocktail shaker
Shake vigorously for about 30 seconds
Pour mixture into drinking glasses and serve

Honey Jasmine Tea

300 ml brewed Jasmine Tea
3 teaspoons of honey
Ice cubes (1/3 of the cocktail shaker/glass)

Pour all ingredients into a cocktail shaker
Shake vigorously for about 30 seconds
Pour mixture into drinking glasses and serve


Go for the unsweetened type as it is the best for you. The artificial sweeteners are bad for you and who knows what troubles they will cause in the future. Just stick to the unsweetened tea.


I drink coffee and tea without milk or sugar. I love tea, especially peppermint, green tea, Vanilla Rooibos and Earl Grey Rooibos. They taste good hot or cold. As for sweeteners, use honey or even maple syrup. I try to stay away from the artificial sweetener. But remember, the body processes sugar the same way; it doesn't differentiate between white sugar or honey.

I gave up soda a few years ago. My personal thought is that if you're going to go through the trouble of cutting soda out, you may as well replace it with water whenever possible. I did that and it was a hard transition at first but now water is just what I naturally reach for, I don't even think about it. But that's just my 2 cents, that being said iced tea is my drink of choice when I'm out. Generally I go for unsweetened, it's healthier and more readily available at restaurants. If you are going to sweeten it yourself, I suggest actual sugar in moderation. Artificial sweeteners just don't have enough research behind them, there is a lot out there that says they have some bad long term side effects and they just haven't been around long enough to really know. If you limit sugar in your diet, it's no problem to splurge on it in your iced tea. No matter what you end up drinking, kudos to you for giving up the soda!! Good luck.

The carbonated water and sugar is harmful to the discs in the back . So the switch to tea would be good , as for sweeteners . the artificial aren't any good for the body , the highly processed white sugar isn't much better but safer. Honey ,a natural sweetener, is OK and even has some beneficial enzymes.

I love iced tea, and prefer it unsweetened, however if you're giving up soda for it, you might crave the sugar. You can use splenda to sweeten it which is my favorite of the artificial sweeteners or you could try buying different types of teas, (flavored, etc) and brewing them yourself & chilling it for a different twist on tea!

I love both sweetned, or unsweetend, Im a hugh tea drinker, so it dosnt matter to me

You are probably used to sugar so go for sweetened.

I drink tea unsweetend

Most of the instant teas are pre-sweetened. Plus, what I hate, is that they all have lemon flavoring added as well. If you're going to make your own from scratch, then you can make it however you prefer. Maybe following the recommended amount of sugar or other sweetener for awhile, till you get used to tea instead of soda, then gradually lessen the amount of sweetener used. In the northern part of the US, tea served in restaurants is rarely sweetened, and you have to add sweetener at the table. In the South, it's almost impossible to get it UNsweetened, unless you get hot tea and a glass of ice!

Sweet tea like they make in the South is a bit of heaven! A reasonable facsimile is Sweet Tea put out by Arizona.

Try green tea with honey. Green tea is great for you and the honey gives natural energy. Stay away from sugar, it's not good for you.

Unsweet. I drink my tea hot , plain and strong.

Try Honest Teas. These are sweetened with either honey or a small amount of cane sugar and may help you to make the switch a little easier. They are very tasty, come in a variety of flavors and are good for you. Stay away from the garbage with artificial sweeteners, it normally does more harm than good. I used to drink tea sweetened with aspartame and it gave me headaches. I personally like unsweetened the best but drinking tea with a little sugar was an easier transition when I stopped drinking soda. Good luck.


I prefer unsweetened. When I gave up soda, I drank flavored water, such as vitamin water.

nothing is better than some good, cool, Southern sweet tea :)

To me , hot tea tastes sweet without sweeteners ; but you need them in cold , for some reason . I use a little equal ( yes, I know it's not a good thing ) when I want to pamper myself .
Good luck on the soda . I'm trying to quit as well .

I personally like my tea sweet....If you can't get the sugar from the soda then you gotta get it somewhere.

I did the same thing with giving up soda...now all I drink is lemonade, hot tea and cranberry juice.


home brewed lipton sweet tea is the best !

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