Water Yuk!?!


Water Yuk!?

I have been told that i dont drink enough water as i dont drink any.
i really dont like drinking water as i dont like the taste is there anything i can add to it but still get all the benefits from drinking water.
I have heard that the flavoured water from shops are full of sugar so that defeats my object can any one help?

Everything you drink is 99.9999999% water, just drink more.

I think using blackcurrant squash or orange squash with no added sugar would be fine!

correct, although the flavored waters have a high sugar content let this be a small adjustment to full stage of water drinking. Invest in a Brita or home water filter this will give you the chance to taste a better grade of water. If you're serious, drink Ultra-Violet treated water. My Natural Health-care Providers offer me some each time I do an office visit. I can't get enough. The cost of those things are expensive but I think worth it.

i hate it too - u cud add a drop of lemon juice thats healthy !

Ice cubes in Whisky are a great source of H2O

I don't like drinking water that is straight from the tap either, I add cordial to the water to make it taste better and it works. The bottled flavoured water from the shops is ok too but can be expensive.

Crystal Light has the flavor of juice but the benefits of water. And it doesn't taste half bad either!

Move to New York - our tap water's delicious. Can you drink carbonated water like seltzer or club soda? Can you tolerate the taste of bottled water? Ask your doctor if you can have another fluid to take the place of water.

pure water has no flavour at all, impuritys impart taste. you need water to live so deal with it sonny

i think that weak tea is just as good

water doesnt taste of anything, stop being such a diva and just drink the stuff.

Use a natural fruit juice just to mask the taste. You could get a britta filter jug to remove some of the stuff that contributes to the horrible taste you describe.

No added sugar cordial could be used but make it weak.

Pure water is best, but if you really can't stand it, drink lots of juices and 'sugar free' beverages (lots of 'fruit flavored' waters use artificial sweeteners, which aren't great but are better than tons of sugar). Also, to cut the sugar and calories in the juice, try mixing it half-and-half with club soda. Half the calories and sugar plus it's fizzy like soda. Try to cut calories elsewhere to make up for the sugar you're taking in, and remember, water is water, whether it's in orange juice or soup or whatever. It doesn't have to be in a glass all alone and perfectly clear to contribute to the amount of total water needed to keep you healthy.

supermarkets everywhere sell a product called mac b's, just a dash. its flavoured concentrate with no added sugar. its 99p a litre bottle and comes in loads of flavours and u really only do need to add-just a dash. lemon and lime is my fav, not artificial tasting like a lot of flavoured waters are, you can also buy it as sparkling water, ready made obviously! give it a go, u really should drink plenty water and you will feel the benefits from doing so, good luck

Squeeze some fruit juice into it. lemon is good.

Try getting a water filter. That should help get rid of the tase.

You could also drink any all natural, unprocessed fruit juices. Not the kind you'd find at the grocery store though. They are mostly sugar and artificial flavors.

The flavoured water also contains additives which are no good for you. Only drink water a few times a day. Use a small glass, about half a litre and drink it straight down. You do not need to taste it and you do not need to hold in your mouth. Do this 4 times a day with your first one as soon as you get up in the morning. Make it a habit like cleaning your teeth. If you drink none now then this small amount every day will do wonders for you. As you get older you will need to increase the amount you drink. If you wait until you are very thirsty before you drink water, you are leaving it too late. If you do not drink enough water you could suffer from kidney problems over time.

Buy bottled water - it's pretty cheap anyway. Like 3.99 for a huge 24 pack when they are on sale.

Water is DELICIOUS, even though tap water is nasty ... although you don't get the flouride if you don't drink tap and your dentist may yell at you, but oh well!

I was in a similar position - i didn't drink any water except in tea.

Try filling a small bottle ( tonic mixer etc ) with some tap water and get into the habit of sipping it. I find i drink several litres a day now without even noticing it.

I'll tell you, I hate water all together...in my opinion theres no good water or bad water it all tastes yucky. What I have found is Sugar-Free Koolaid It is AWESOME! I am normally a 7 to 8 soda's a day person...and I felt the same why, I can't switch to anything cause I don't want all the sugar in something else that I don't like as much as the coke I COULD be drinking. So this Koolaid does not taste sugar free but is.....I think Cherry is the best...but then again im stationed in Europe and all we have at the Commisary(our grocery store) is the Cherry and Tropical Fruit kind. Try it...!!

Any sugar free diluting juice is fine.

Add ribeana to your water or even a lime or lemon.

Also if you have relly cold water as that is much nicer than room temperature water .

Or why don't you drink herbal teas as they are very good for you

beer lovely beer thats made from water oh and there are many different flavours and strengths (lovely)

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