If they can make non alcoholic beer and wine,...?!


If they can make non alcoholic beer and wine,...?

can they make non alcoholic Scotch too? I like the taste of Scotch(I tasted it once in a bar tending class,) but I can't have it, as I take meds for seizures.

Not really, no. You see beer and wine are made up of a lot of fermented products (hops, barley, grapes). They are able to make a similar flavour by taking these products and altering them in a way that does not create alcohol.

Spirits (scotch, vodka, gin) are distilled. Pretty much turning a grain INTO alcohol. Take out the alcohol and there really isn't much left. Some of the various traits of scotch you can probably find in other places (some gingerales use a barrel aging process that gives similar tastes), but the actual full scotch flavour experience, can't be made alco-free.

'Cause the liquor company would spend millions of dollars on development for one bottle of alcohol-free scotch. If you can convince them that there's a market, they might be able to help you out...

They cannot make NON-Alcoholic Beer.If you read the label it still contains alcohol its just less then .05%.BUT IT STILL CONTAINS ALCOHOL.As for the wine its just fruit juice.Now hard liquor is a hole other story.To my knowledge no one has ever made it less alcoholic.

I don't think that the scootch without alchool will have the same taste,but today anything is posible.But this will make it have a little bad taste anyhow... :-&

I couldn't find any retail, but you might find this discussion interesting:


I hope you find what you're looking for!

Scotch has so much alcohol that removing it would drastically change the overall taste. You might consider simmering some scotch until it reduces by about half to get a rough idea of how "soft" scotch might taste, but be aware that there will still be some alcohol left.

Alcohol free Scotch? Have you lost your senses lad.

I'd much rather ye talk with your doctor about a limited amount of consumtion than to even consider the vile thought of scotch without alcohol.

Beer and wine are mostly water. You can remove the alcohol and still have the basic substance that produce it. Liquors have all water distilled out of them. If you were to remove the alcohol from Scotch all you would have is an extremely bitter oily substance. There are places that do sell liquor 'essences' though. These mimic the flavors of liquors and are mainly mixed with vodka to produce a facsimile of the real thing. You could try mixing them with water but I'm sure how it would taste. My buddy sells them. Check out the link below.

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