Grape flavored candies and soft drinks dont really taste like grapes.?!
Grape flavored candies and soft drinks dont really taste like grapes.?
who decided on the offical grape flavor that we associate with soda, candy, gum and juice drinks, because they dont really taste like grapes. how did they decide on that flavor to represent grapes.
why didnt they just make the products taste like real grapes
This is a great question! I think the answer is that the accepted "grape" flavor was engineered by one Mr. Nehi of "Nehi Grape Soda" fame. It was a popular brand and flavor of pop in the 1950's. If you ever watch "MASH" the character Radar LOVES grape Nehi. I don't think the company is around anymore.
Because it isn't real.
If you want grape tasting food, eat grapes. They're like little candies...
that's how dumb people are, if you want something to taste like grapes then grapes are the answer, those other grape flavors are just made from sugar and stuff
grape soda rocks! it tastes like cough syrup