Did you know that coca cola still has cocaine in it?!


Did you know that coca cola still has cocaine in it?

Yup. these days they use "spent" coca leaves witch means leaves that has allready had most of the cocaine extracted from it however trace amounts are left becuase its nearly impossible to get it all out.

so coca cola still had small ammounts of cocaine in it.

what does everyone think? I say they ban the drink!


How much cocaine was in that "mere trace" is impossible to say, but we do know that by 1902 it was as little as 1/400 of a grain of cocaine per ounce of syrup. Coca-Cola didn't become completely cocaine-free until 1929, but there was scarcely any of the drug left in the drink by then:

No wonder I am addicted to the stuff!

Really? == grabbing my coat to go buy some coca cola==

well at least now I know why I am so addicted to it...lol.... AND NO WAY TO THE BAN !!! I'd have to get it on the black market then !!!

If they ban cola (which does not have cocaine in it anymore they just kept the name for marketing) then they have to ban money handling over boarders because you can find minute traces of cocaine on dollar bills! They don't put cocaine in the formula anymore.

no it don't

That's ridiculous. Where are you getting this bogus info? Check it out on Snopes.com You will find that it is untrue.

Coca-Cola & Pepsi are owned by the same...why not ban Pepsi too? lol

Yes this was before our time, damn!!!

No it wasn't you are wrong. I used to do coke and frankly I hate the way cocacola taste.

Take one of the newest brands. It caused quite a shakeup Wednesday, and not for its level of caffeine, believed to be among the highest.

The drink: Cocaine.

Because of the name alone, convenience-store operator 7-Eleven Inc. is asking a handful of San Jose, Calif., franchise stores to stop carrying the high-caffeine drink. And the company is considering making it a nationwide request.

“Our merchandising team believes the product’s name promotes an image which we didn’t want to be associated with,” said Margaret Chabris, a spokeswoman for 7-Eleven. “What is it, a legal alternative to an illegal substance?”

Cocaine ― the drink ― is not sold in the Kansas City area but could be here by the end of the year. It comes in bright red and white cans, similar to Coca-Cola. But the Cocaine name is spelled out in a powdery white font intended to resemble lines of white cocaine powder.

“(The name) is a slap in the face to the prevention we try to do,” said Janine Gracy of the Regional Prevention Center. “Yeah, it’s not the drug itself, but what about those who say, I drink this, what’s the difference, maybe I’ll try that.”

And what about the next drink to come along? How far will makers go to stand out in a market where more than 500 new energy drinks were launched worldwide this year?

“At what point do you say caffeine is not a drug that can have adverse side effects in a healthy person?” said Christine McPherson, a district nurse with De Soto public schools. “You’re talking 280 milligrams.”

Controversy was strategic to setting the product apart from the horde of new drinks introduced this year, said Jamey Kirby, senior partner at Redux Beverages, with offices in Las Vegas and Murrieta, Calif., and founder of Cocaine. But even Kirby was “flabbergasted” by the clamor Cocaine created.

“The politicians are saying we are glorifying drug use, that we’re desensitizing the youth to the dangers of drugs; they’re calling for stores to boycott it,” Kirby said. “Where did the coke in Coca-Cola come from? Why aren’t they banning Coca-Cola? Our name is right there on the edge but I don’t think it falls over the edge.”

It’s marketed as the “legal alternative” and described by creators as tasting like a carbonated atomic fireball. Each can has 280 milligrams of caffeine, twice the amount in a regular cup of coffee.

Ana Alzarez of the Flamingo Mini Mart in Naples, Fla., has been carrying Cocaine for about a month. “It’s selling very well here in Naples. We are selling more than Red Bull,” said Alzarez, who doesn’t like the taste of energy drinks. “We’re going to keep selling it. No one has complained yet.”

But other retailers are choosing their public image over profit.

“It was a no-brainer,” said Mike Thornbrugh, spokesman for QuikTrip. “We don’t see how in the world you can be a responsible retailer and sell a commodity that glamorizes illegal drugs.”

Most health-care professionals recommend a daily dose of no more than 250 to 300 milligrams of caffeine. Beyond that, the side effects can set in: the jitteriness, possible dehydration, the jump in heart rate, increased blood pressure.

Energy drinks, with caffeine levels from 75 milligrams and up, likely aren’t harmful if used sparingly. But it’s the repeated use, the two or three cans at a time, that can wear on a body. After the initial jolt, people crash.

“And once they fall, they fall pretty hard,” said pediatrician Sarah Hampl, who works at Children’s Mercy Hospital in the department of general pediatrics. “Their blood sugar drops, the caffeine wears off and they feel really bad.”

Amy McClure, health teacher at Johnson County’s Mill Valley High School, teaches a section on energy drinks. And when the energy drink SoBe went into school vending machines last year, she got it removed. “I tell the kids, ‘You only get one heart, you don’t want to overwork your heart any more than you have to,’” McClure said.

Cardiologist Brian Weiford, from the University of Kansas Hospital, said people react to high levels of caffeine differently. And without knowing what’s in each of the drinks, there’s a risk in consuming any. "I wouldn’t want my kids having any of these,” Weiford said.

For now, many young people know they want to keep consuming these drinks.

Jessica Montes, 23, who was at Moody’s Coffeehouse in Kansas City, drinks Rockstar for its “gummy bear” taste.

And Jignesh Patel, a University of Missouri-Kansas City sophomore, prefers Red Bull ― “it mixes with vodka perfectly.”

But he’s all for trying the Cocaine drink if it comes here. "All students will probably try it just for fun,” said Patel.

Can't ban the drink Coca Cola I love it to much.I need some more buy the way.

no not any more

i really didnot know
thanx for this information

Then that means you can legally do a drug, so what's the problem?

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